How to fix Hail Damage?
Here are some effective do it yourself methods to fix hail damage:
1. Hail Damage Repair – Dry Ice Method: The hail repair Denver auto states that applying ice to the area can be a great solution. The temperature change is enough for the dent of the car to pop out. Hence, the movement of the ice in small circles is an effective way. One thing to be sure of is the gloves. Otherwise, you might end up harming your skin.
2. Park Somewhere Sunny: As per the auto hail repair Denver Colorado, parking it somewhere sunny is one of the most effective ways to fix hail damage. This is because of the heat that makes the metal expand. The only thing to keep in mind is patience. Hence, If the dents are small, then this does work well.
3. Hair Dryer Helper: Usage of a hairdryer is an extremely effective solution. Just hold the hairdryer between the 2-4 inches from where the dent is there and then making small circles. However, if the affected area discolour itself, then this is a sign of stopping immediately.
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